Solutions for AlayaCare

Explore some of the solutions we have created for AlayaCare - including ledger sync, SMS automations, payroll integrations.


We offer a wide range of Alayacare related services and products. Ask us if we can build something specific for you!

Custom Solutions

We offer a range of enterprise-grade custom integrations between AlayaCare and other complementary software platforms and apps:

SMS Alerts & Notifications

Our fully integrated SaaS for Alayacare called Rubi Space allows you to send text message blasts to employees, visit reminders, late clock-in alerts, and skill expiration reminders.

Our other SMS solutions

  • Rubi Bridge - 2-Way SMS chat with employees and clients via Slack or MS Teams.
  • Rubi Echo - Employee safety check-ins for those working alone or at night.

Data Migration and BI

Data migration is a difficult process and not one that you should need to master if it's not part of your journey.

Data migration can hold you back from pursuing AlayaCare and your business strategies including mergers / acquisitions.

✅ We can help migrate your clients, employees, services, and accounting setup to Alayacare.

Learn more about Data Migration

AlayaCare Data Migration

Want to talk to us or see a demo?

# Q360
Advanced Intake for AlayaCare
Simplify client and employee onboarding by using integrated form submission, approval, and eSign technologies.