Rubi Space

Rubi Space is a collection of modules that help address 🤳communication, ⚖compliance, and 😊 employee service needs by extending the functionality of Home Care software.



Allows you to send targeted SMS messages to employees using standard Alayacare filters.


Sends visit reminders for employees, late visit alerts to the office and much more.


Sends expiring skill reminders to employees so that your staff is ready to work.



Shuttle Plan

Station Plan



This plan is best for

Simple MBAs

Complex MBAs

Cluster FOs

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FOs - Franchise Owners MBAs - Multi-Branch Agencies SBAs - Single-Branch Agencies

Ability to provision SMS number per branch

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Each Alayacare branch or group that you subcribe with Rubi Space can have their own dedicated SMS number with Twilio.

Users can be assigned access to one or many branches

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Users of Rubi Space can be restricted to only interacting with the branches or groups assigned to them.

Branch specific configurations


Rules and notifications can be configured differently for each branch (or group).

Alternate setup using Alayacare groups

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Some multi-branch locations choose to use Alayacare groups rather than branches to organize their clients and employees.

Multi-module Discount



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Combining 2 or more modules automatically reduces the monthly subscription.

Message Costs

Your Twilio Account

Your Twilio Account

🌌All Modules

Rubi Works does not charge for the messages sent. We rely on Twilio for this and will help you open an account if you don't have one already. See FAQs below.

Time to Go-Live

1-2 weeks

2+ weeks

🌌All Modules

Depending on the complexity of the configuration, we can be as fast as 1 week or could need some time if you require us to develop features in order to sign up

Want to talk to us or see a demo?

AlayaCare Data Migration
Rubi Works offers efficient, accurate data migration services for AlayaCare that keep disruptions low and reliability high.