Advanced Intake for AlayaCare

Simplify client and employee onboarding by using integrated form submission, approval, and eSign technologies.


  • We can help you design custom and advanced patient intake processes for AlayaCare using form or eSign technologies.

Form Driven

This workflow enables agencies to leverage form platforms like CognitoForms / Jotform to formally onboard clients and employees without worrying about duplicate data entry.

  • Client or Employee fills out and signs form
  • Form gets delivered to Agency for review / approval
  • Once approved, the client or employee record can be created in Alayacare and documents attached to their record
  • Notifications can be sent out to agency administrators

eSign Driven

This workflow enables agencies to leverage eSign platforms like Docusign to formally onboard clients and employees without worrying about duplicate data entry.

  • Agency provides envelope to be signed by client / employee
  • Once envelope is completed, client or employee records are created or updated in Alayacare.

Want to talk to us or see a demo?

Data Processing for Q360
Efficient Data Processing Solutions to Integrate Q360 with External Systems